Help Lensy fundraise IVF funds to have a baby!
Help Lensy fundraise IVF funds to have a baby!
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Lensy Cordova is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hola! My name is Lensy! For as long as I can remember, I have always been surrounded by family. Growing up, I was always so excited to have a child of my own and carry on our family legacy. I cannot imagine NOT growing up in a large family such as my own. I want my child to have the support that I did and all the good memories. Unfortunately, I haven’t been unable to conceive. My journey started years ago when I found out I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. One of the symptoms is infertility. I remember going home crying thinking what if I can never have kids. At the time I was only about 20 years old. I decided I wasn’t going to give up so easily and when the time is right, I would try. But with the years flying by, life doesn’t always go as planned. I found myself in and out of toxic relationships and was glad that I never got pregnant within those relationships. In the back of my head, I knew why. It wasn’t until January 2020 that I decided that I finally wanted to be a mom. I had been thinking about it for years but never actually did anything to make it happen. I never really prevented it from happening either. I went into a fertility clinic, did all the tests and was ready to start treatment but as you all know COVID happened. We went into lock down for months and all treatments were halted. A year flew by before I went back in to get all my tests re done but this time it wasn’t good news. My egg count had gone down significantly in one year, not only that but due to PCOS I wasn’t ovulating, and I have a blocked tube. All this meant that my chances of conceiving were slim. I tried IUI for almost one year and nothing worked! All those months and waste of thousands of dollars only to find out I should have gone straight to IVF. I was new to this journey and now my savings and funds for fertility have been mostly depleted.
With the knowledge I have now, my only option pretty much is IVF treatment, surrogacy, or adoption. I still want to have a baby of my own and this may be my last chance. As you get older, egg counts go down and your eligibility for loans also goes away after a certain age. I still have an opportunity to get some funds for IVF but this is where I need your help! I am asking for help with a donation to my iVF fundraiser. I am asking for the assistance in being able to try and raise funds to cover my fertility treatments. I would be honored if you could help. Even $10 would mean the world to me and help me create memories with my own familia. Thank you for ready my story and I hope you consider donating, it would mean the world to me <3
Name | Donation | Date |
Marco Sauri | $25.00 | October 29, 2022 |
David Vargas | $10.00 | September 21, 2022 |
Jennifer Rivas | $30.00 | September 20, 2022 |
Michelle King | $30.00 | September 18, 2022 |
Farah Khowaja | $100.00 | September 16, 2022 |
Elissa Rosenberg | $10.00 | September 14, 2022 |
Elissa Rosenberg | $10.00 | September 14, 2022 |
Alexandria Ford | $50.00 | September 10, 2022 |
Judy Rouhani | $40.00 | September 08, 2022 |
Claudia Linares | $50.00 | September 07, 2022 |
Anonymous | $20.00 | September 07, 2022 |
Vijay Verma | $50.00 | September 07, 2022 |
Kenzie Schock | $20.00 | September 07, 2022 |
Shane Elmendorf | $20.00 | September 06, 2022 |

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Lensy Cordova is organizing this fundraiser.